November 23, 2011

Style: The Plum Suit

Purpley-garments have always fared well in Chuck's wardrobe. Awesome paisley tie. 
We found a similar style by Stefano Ricci, $215

The Chuck Bass Cocktail

Available at the Empire in New York, a hotel which Chuck bought in the series.

The recipe: Dewar’s Scotch, Red Apple, Ginger Bites and Apple Cider.

Chuck Watch: All The Pretty Sources (S05E08)

Watch your fake Prada
The owning of the brats in the park was epic. There were initial fears Chuck would just brush the criticism off and walk away, what with his current mind frame. But them wannabes nearly felt the full wrath of Monkey. Lucky for them this wasn't the Bass of '08, who would of surely had it arranged for their relocation to Arizona. Another highlight was of course the midday session with Dan. Weed, Patron tequila and The Matrix for lunch almost enabled Lonely Boy to become a 'man of action'. But he flopped, and it was up to Chuck to mop up the mess. How long will this (unspoken) bromance continue? Especially now they are set to lock horns over Blair...

The "French Chuck Bass"?

Chuck Lite
The suits with the handkerchief-color-splash. The hair. The scandals. The Blair. Prince Louis wants to be Chuck and he's trying to play him at his own game.

We've had it in seasons past with Carter Baizen and Jack Bass, yet it appears nobody has learnt; you can't F with the F'er!

November 22, 2011

Chuck Watch: The Big Sleep No More (S05E07)

Shall I serve you up there?

Blair cramping his style as usual

Well, Chuck is still trying his best to walk the straight line. Monkey (his dog) has yet to be impounded and is still getting walked regularly around Central Park. You have to appreciate how Chuck throws really ODD parties. Live drama, masks with beaks and bars containing mysterious jars of candy. Anyway, the stars seem to be aligning for a Blair/Chuck rekindling at this point. Hardly surprising, Prince Louis Grimaldi is proving to be a very stale piece of French bread. I cannot wait to watch his inevitable destruction at the hands of Bass. It was also amusing to see Chuck collaborating on a scheme with Dorota of all people. Maybe he is finally becoming a decent member of society, but let's hope not.


Watch this space!